I know, it sounds silly, but when you ride, you are "on the road" "in the wind", and out in the open. Your senses heighten, and you begin to notice "everything". You see things many times missed by the casual passerby in a car. That to me is one of the greatest joys of riding a motorcycle.
I've taken the time to create a collection of some of the more memorable mailboxes that I've ridden by while on my two wheeled travels. Unfortunately, some of my favorites I've had to pass by, due to either not having a camera, or riding with a group, etc.
Here are some of the ones that I've captured when not riding in a group, and having someone wonder why the hell we all have to stop riding so Mwa can take a picture of a damn mailbox.
For those of you who know me, by now, you know I'm artsy fartsy, so this kind of shit is right up my ally. How could I not notice this great little piece of Americana? I'm quite certain I'm not the only biker who notices these. Hopefully anyway, or I guess that makes me quite kooky. Maybe the fact that I actually took the time to make a photo collection of them for the blog is kooky. I'll give you that.
I hope you enjoy my collection as much as I did collecting it.
We have a patriotic mail box.
We have sculpture in stainless steel.
We have sports lovers.
We have the numbers painted nicely, or differently theme.
We've got the John Deere theme.
Love this one with the little farmer in the tractor!
We've got competition for John Deere with Case Tractors.
Then there's pigs and dogs.
And a bit of racing.
Don't know why, rust and all, I particularly liked this flamed mailbox.
Nice scallops.
One of my favorites... Air mail.
This last one, I borrowed from a fellow blogger Ann Nelson.

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